SCHNEEBERGER MONORAIL BM Profiled Linear Ball Guides

SCHNEEBERGER's MONORAIL BM linear ball guides features excellent dynamic properties and many commercial benefits. Designed with a small number of cleverly arranged components, it provides for excellent running properties due to the small number of transitions in the ball tracks, which lead to very quiet running, low pulsation and low friction as well as high travel speeds. The use of a trapezoidal rail section results in an extremely rigid guideway coupled with a substantial reduction in servicing time as additional wipers can be changed without dismantling the carriage. Complete sealing of the carriage guarantees maximum reliability coupled with a long service life. This robust and economical guideway rounds off SCHNEEBERGER's range of products for industrial applications with high demands on speed, reliability and consistant running properties.
Stainless steel version
Linear ball guides made of stainless steel SCHNEEBERGER MONORAIL BM WR/SR stainless steel guideways are designed for applications where common anticorrosion coatings are not sufficient. This is the case if linear guides are used in an environment conducive to corrosion and in processes which cannot tolerate particle generation from anticorrosion coatings.
New carriage types expand the range of applications
New carriage types expand the SCHNEEBERGER MONORAIL BM series.
The MONORAIL BM profile rail guideways have been an important component of the SCHNEEBGERGER product range for many years. Now the product range has nearly doubled by the addition of new BM carriage types, featuring low and short versions. This opens up numerous new areas of application. See the expanded product range under the product overview "Carriages"
Technical Measure

• High rigidity and high load-bearing capacities in all directions
• Quite, smooth running with diminished pulsation and low friction
• Speed up to 5 m/s and acceleration up to 100 m/s²
• Great variety of carriage and rail types for a broad range of applications
• Four different accuracy classes - Four different preload classes
• Carriage and rail types for attachment from above and from below
• Single piece rail length up to 6 m
• Long service life-easy and cost-saving maintenance
• Wide scope of accessoires and options
• Different coatings for corrosion protection
• Integrated length measuring system available
• Integrated rack as an option
• O-geometry
• 2-point contact
• Optimized runway geometry
• Trapezoidal rail profile
• Complete sealing
• Versatile lubrication possibilities
• Through-hardened carriages
• Exchangeability